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Elsewhere On This Site: Extraordinary People From Around the World Teaching Kids English With Storybooks Cotton-top Tamarin Publications and Writing Terwilliger Nature Walks With Kids Why I Say Charter Does Not Honor Its Contracts
Ecology and Social Organization of the Cotton-top Tamarin (Saguinus oedipus) Saguinus oedipus, a small monkey found only in Colombia, belonging to the familiy Callitrichidae, is an endangered species. It was so declared back in the 1970s, largely as a result of my work. Sadly, their fate hangs in even more in the balance today due to unrelenting forest desruction in its limited geographic range.Right after I returned from Colombia I published the 1977 article under the title Aspects of the ecology and social organization of free-ranging Cotton-top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) and the conservation status of the species. The report in Spanish entitled El Titi Cabeza-blanca (Saguinus oedipus) de la Costa Caribe de Colombia. Estudios de su ecologia y However, a lot of material in my 1979 thesis, entitled Ecology and Social Organization of the Cotton-top Tamarin (Saguinus oedipus), did not make it into any publication or report (although it has always been available through University Microfilms). I am now making the entire thesis available here because I believe and hope the unpublished material could be useful to future investigators. In particular I want to note that one Appendix to the thesis includes phenological graphs I did in the coastal dry tropical forest where I was working, and a discussion of the character and composition of the forest. I am providing this material on my web site as a public service, and for the sake of the monkeys themselves. Publications and Reports by Patricia F. Neyman Downloadable pdfs can be obtained by clicking on the blue text. Check back for more additions. If there's something you need in a hurry email me a pf41n at yahoo dot com. Otherwise I will continue to scan and put up new items as time permits. 1975 El Titi Cabeza-blanca (Saguinus oedipus) de la Costa Carib 1977 Aspects of the ecology and social organization of free-ranging Cotton-top Tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) and the conservation status of the species. In: Kleiman, D.G. (ed) The Biology and Conservation of the Callitrichidae: 39-71. Smithsonian Press; Washington, D.C. 354 p. 1977 Proteccion y Manejo de los Primates de Sucre y de Cordoba. 31p. Please see next. 1977 The Protection and Management of Primates in Sucre and 1977 How laboratories can contribute to studies of natural populations: with special reference to Callitrichids. Lab Primate News, July 1977: 1-7. 1979 Ecology and Social Organization of the Cotton-top Tamarin (Saguinus oedipus). PhD Thesis, University of California, Berkeley. Available also through University Microfiloms in Ann Arbor, Michagan. 1981 Cotton-top Tamarin or Pinche In the IUCN Mammal Red-Data Book, Part 1: 126-130. This revision mentions the Sinu observations I made. It is very brief. For more detail on exactly what I saw and the conversations with local inhabitants of the areas I visited, see the Spanish 1977 report Proteccion y Manejo de los Primates de Sucre y de Cordoba.
This page last updated Feb 2, 2013. Photos are copyright Patricia F. Neyman. All rights reserved.